Sashimi Salad with Citrus Soy

Sashimi Salad With Citrus Soy



  1. Grate the zest from one orange and one lime into a bowl.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of juice from the orange and 2 tablespoons of juice from the lime into a small bowl.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to the juices and mix together well.
  4. Chill the sauce in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  5. To toast the sesame seeds, warm a pan over medium to low heat.
  6. Add seeds to the dry pan and stir frequently for 1-2 minutes or until you start to smell a slight nuttiness.
  7. Using a mandoline, thinly slice half of the cucumber.

For plating:

  1. Add a handful of frisée lettuce on a salad plate.
  2. Add smoked salmon and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
  3. Add cucumber and microgreens to the plate as desired.
  4. Drizzle lettuce and salmon with the citrus soy dressing.
  5. Enjoy!

Recipe by Regan Baroni at